perm filename INITIA.TXT[1,2]151 blob sn#877638 filedate 1989-10-04 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
detach mtu1	;no supply reel control
tt no ex 0,10,23,24,25 ;retired 2/27/88
detach udp1	;UDPs retired 12/18/87
detach udp2	;spindle being replaced
DETACH UDP3	;broken (head crash)
DETACH UDP4	;no such drive
TTY NO EXIST 21	;not working, no output

;r net		;take ARPA interface down until fixed (see next line) 30 Aug 88
;dae		;commands to NET program (NOC puts us in loop-back sometimes)

DETACH DD3!	;bad RAM 12/1/86 -- ME
DETACH DD5!	;bad RAM 4/13/88 -- ME
DETACH DD4!	;bad RAM? 6/13/87 -- ME
DETACH DD6!	;bad RAM 10/10/86 -- ME
DETACH DD7!	;bad RAM 5/2/88 -- ME
DETACH DD11!	;bad RAM (0) 1/26/88 -- ME
DETACH DD12!	;bad RAM 10/4/89 -- ME
;DETACH DD13!	;bad RAM at random bits? 9/2/87 -- ME/JJW
DETACH DD14!	;bad RAM 11/3/86 (ME) funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD15!	;bad RAM 1/7/86 (JJW) funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD16!	;bad RAM 5/23/89 (ME)
DETACH DD17!	;bad RAM 1/12/88 ME
DETACH DD22!	;bad RAM 7/4/87 -- ME (col on right)
DETACH DD23!	;bad RAM 5/11/88 -- ME (col on right)

DETACH DD5	;funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD10	;bad RAM 1/19/88 ME (not too bad)
DETACH DD11	;funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD24	;funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD25	;funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD26	;funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD27	;funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD30	;funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD31	;funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD34	;funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD35	;funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD36	;funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD37	;funny cursor/text interaction 5/20/86 -- ME

DETACH DD7	;D's are bad 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD12	;D's are bad 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD13	;D's are bad 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD14	;D's are bad 5/20/86 -- ME
DETACH DD15	;D's are bad 5/20/86 -- ME
;DETACH DD16	;D's are bad 5/20/86 (available channel) -- ME
DETACH DD17	;D's are bad 5/20/86 -- ME

;old list, RAMs replaced 5/20/86 -- ME
;   DETACH DD1      ;funny cursor/text interaction for these channels
;   DETACH DD2      ;funny cursor/text?
;   DETACH DD7!     ;drops some bits in normal left-most col (col 2)
;   DETACH DD11!    ;funny cursor/text AND RAM losses
;   DETACH DD12!    ;bad RAM
;   DETACH DD14!    ;D's are slightly bad 6/1/84 ME; also can't map to DD14 on TV131!
;   DETACH DD15     ;capital D's are bad 6/1/84 ME.
;   DETACH DD17!    ;capital D's are bad 6/1/84 ME.
;   DETACH DD20!    ;cursor/text 1/26/84, also some bad bits (like DD10?) 6/11/84 RAM 10/15/85
;   DETACH DD21     ;cursor/text 12/11/84
;   DETACH DD22!    ;solid green except while writing, tho sometimes OK 11/19/84 ME
;   ;DETACH DD30!   ;flakey, prob not bad RAM. 5/20/83 ME,JJW.  Worse 4/4/84 ME.
;   ;               ;different board used for DD30 12/5/84 ME,EJS.
;   DETACH DD31     ;cursor/text
;   DETACH DD32     ;cursor/text
;   DETACH DD33     ;cursor/text
;   DETACH DD34     ;cursor/text 6/14/83

BEEP		;Beep the world
RUN SETPAY[1,2]	;Maybe set payday too
;mail/noms me,jjw System reloaded: Is the IMP interface working?

;Blank line above is just in case MAIL asks for a name or something.
;End with this "blank" line to ensure everything previous has finished.